is english banned on here at yahoo Germany?
catty blond
2006-06-20 05:08:02 UTC
is english banned on here at yahoo Germany?
Acht antworten:
2006-06-20 08:06:30 UTC
wie kommst du den darauf? Why would english be banned? I'm German and I'm in Kentucky,USA.Switching between the english and german site.
2006-06-20 15:35:36 UTC

I'm sure it's not bannished!! May be some people are too lazy to write in english and others are not that good in it, but bannished certanly not...!!!

Yours Lucis

P.S: And there are the ones who TRY to write english (like me) but the only results are a lot of mistakes...
2006-06-20 14:06:52 UTC
well, I´d say, no.

It isnt.
2006-06-20 07:26:33 UTC
i speak fluent english and fluent german so whatever you talk about, i will answer in one of the two languages. If you want to talk english go to Yahoo!England or united states or any other english speaking country.

By the way, it's not an engagement or wedding Question!!!!
2006-06-20 06:15:01 UTC
yes there is also Yahoo clever here

international, you see it down here

also for UK its here, sorry my english is not the

best :-(
2006-06-20 05:20:30 UTC
Hey there, don´t worry!!There are folks out here speaking English!!U need help with sth? Just let me know!!
2006-06-20 05:16:15 UTC
Why should English be banned? Many people here speak English
2006-06-20 05:11:39 UTC
I think not, but probably most of people here can´t in off english to answer freely to your questions

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